Everyone’s cat is, subjectively, the best cat. This is as it should be and I don’t want to argue with anyone about it.
It is also true that objectively, Pasha is easily in the top 10% of cats.
Finding Pasha
I got Pasha in early 2022 because I’d spent time watching Rachel and Jun on YouTube and wanted a long-haired ginger and white cat like Haku.
Pasha was the only such cat within 200 miles of me on Petfinder. The shelter named him Tummy and did not think he was a lap cat. They were wrong!
He’s clingy in the mornings so sometimes I carry him around in a sling:

He loves people! He greets strangers at the door. I had a gas inspector over once and within five minutes the guy was taking pictures to send his daughter. If you sit on my big recliner he will run over to sit on your lap.
I was born in Egypt, and I wanted his name to have a Middle Eastern connection. When the Ottomans colonized Egypt, the title for the governor they sent to rule was Pasha.
So: he lazes around a lot and wants everything done for him.

